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Prayer Request | Praise Report

There are time in life where we need someone to partner with us in prayer. Our prayer counselors are waiting to partner with you in prayer. Feel free to send us your urgent prayer request and we will intercede on your behalf. 

Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

We release our faith for answered prayers in Jesus Name!


Feel free to share with us your praise report of what the Lord has done for you as a result of partnering with us in prayer. 

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony... Revelation 12:11


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 Father, we ask that You would forgive us of our sins, our iniquities, trespasses and transgressions and cover them with the Blood of Jesus. Father thank You we are forgiven and free from sin and guilt in Jesus name. We declare we are dead to sin and alive unto righteousness. Thank You Father for the abundant life. We receive that life through Your Word and it flows to every organ of our body bringing life, healing and health according to John 10:10. Father we thank You for healing in Jesus Name. Thank You that sickness and disease have no power over us. Jesus bore our sickness and carried our pain. Therefore Father, we give no place to sickness or disease. Father, thank You for sending Your Word and healing and delivering us from destruction. Father, because we attend to Your Word and incline our ears to Your sayings and let them not depart from our eyes, but keep them in the midst of our heart, they are life and healing to all our flesh, in Jesus name. Father thank You, that You are no respecter of persons just as You were with Moses, so are You with us. Thank You that our eyes are not dim; neither is our natural vigor diminished in Jesus name. Father we declare blessed are our eyes for they see and our ears for they hear in Jesus name. Father thank You for giving Your angels charge over us. Thank You that they keep us in all our ways therefore we declare no evil shall befall us, neither shall any plague come near our dwelling in Jesus name. Thank You Father in our pathway is life, healing and health. We declare Jesus took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses, therefore we refuse to allow sickness to dominate our bodies. Father we declare we are redeemed from the curse of sickness. The life of God flows within us and brings healing to every fiber of our being in Jesus name. Amen

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